Call for Entries & Papers: ADF&PCD Paris 2018


The 2018 ADF&PCD Awards has officially launched its call for entries and papers. ADF&PCD Paris 2018 will take place on January 31-February 1, 2018 in Paris. 

Eligible 2018 Entries

  • Cosmetics, aerosol and dispensing systems placed on the market January 1-December 31, 2017
  • PCD Awards categories include: personal hygiene, hair, makeup, skin care, perfumes, promotion
  • ADF Awards categories include: hygiene, household products, pharmaceutical and veterinary products, food industrial and technical applications
  • The deadline for entries is on November 7, 2017; entries are free of charge

Call for Papers

Submissions should offer “state-of-the-art subjects for a packaging industry that is constantly innovating, and industry that explores new avenues in many different sectors, positioning ADF&PCD Paris 2018 as a genuine platform for innovation.”

For more information please visit: and

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