Study: 89% of Consumers are Loyal to Brands with Similar Beliefs


Brands should concentrate on creating “wantedness,” or the degree to which a brand proves their commitment to earning a customer’s business across every touchpoint and throughout the entire path to purchase, according to a recent Wunderman study.

The report goes on to say that “brands must do more than just sell. They have to prove they want you as a customer. They have to prove it every step of the journey.”

According to the study…

Consumers want brands to adapt to their needs.

  • 79% of US consumers and 72% of UK consumers only consider brands that show they understand and care about “me.”

Consumers look for brands that follow The Golden Rule.

  • 74% of both US and UK consumers said brands can set new standards with a higher level of customer service.

Brands should use the customer journey to show they know and understand consumers’ wants and needs.

  • 56% of US consumers and 54% of UK consumers have an increased sense of loyalty to those brands that show an understanding of their priorities and preferences.

Consumers often make purchases the reflect beliefs and values.

  • 89% of US consumers and 84% of UK consumers are loyal to brands that share those beliefs and values

Consumers want brands to meet and surpass their expectations.

  • 63% of US consumers and 53% of UK consumers are loyal to brands that have exceeded expectations across the entire customer journey.

For the full Wunderman report please visit:

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