Antiaging Peptide Found in Bullfrogs

According to a South Korean team led by Kim Se-kwon of Pukyong University, bullfrogs may harbor a valuable antiaging substance for humans. The the team has reportedly isolated a peptide with anti-oxidant properties from bullfrog skin. According to the research, the peptide is useful in reducing free radicals in skin. Also, the peptide is said to be 10% more efficient than tocopherol in curbing oxidization.

"The new substance can provide an economic alternative to tocopherol," Kim told Agence French-Presse. "Because it is water-soluble, the substance may be consumed in much more diverse ways than the oil-soluble tocopherol. You may put it in soft drinks, for example."

The team's discovery was published by Bioresource Technology, an international journal.

Source: Agence French-Presse, February 26, 2008

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