The Leitman Group
13456 NW 13th Street
Pembroke Pines, FL 33028
Phone:954 298-9191
If we don't have it you don't need it! Packaging direct from China Packaging components Sprayers Pumps and dispensing closures
Years in business:15
Number of employees:2
Geographic sales distribution:Sales and marketing in Canada & USA and South and Central America
Services Specialization:
Packaging Components
Product Summary:
Packaging Components
- Packaging Components Manufacturer
- Packaging Services(Decoration [Foil])
- Packaging Components(Actuators, Ampoules, Applicators, Bottles, Bottles/Jars, Boxes, Brushes, Cosmetic, Brushes, Mascara, Eyebrow & Nail, Cans, Caps and more)