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Section: Consumers & Markets
Consumers & Markets
100 Global Interpretations of 'Beautiful Women' by AI
A recent project by StyleSeat explored how beauty is perceived by AI in 100 countries. The results revealed a spectrum of renderings.
Consumers & Markets
Beauty’s Generative AI Marketing Revolution
While AI possesses advanced technical knowledge, it can never fully replicate the power of human imagination; here’s how brands can get the best of both worlds.
Revieve's Next-Gen AI Advisors Personalize Beauty Shopping
Revieve is set to unveil a new AI-powered beauty assistant. Leveraging Google Cloud technology, this innovative tool promises personalized beauty advice, product recommendations, and in-depth product information.
Can AI Make Beauty More Inclusive?
"I saw brands wanting to do right by consumers but falling short, which is exactly where our journey with SeeMe Index began: a vision to bridge the gap between brands and consumers, ensuring that every individual is represented and acknowledged."
Consumers & Markets
Trending: Haruna Kawaguchi Cosmetics, AI Perfume, Beard Growth Serum and More
Our "Consumer Pulse" report uncovers cosmetic-related searches growing in interest on Google Trends, TikTok and the web. Now trending: Haruna Kawaguchi, Lisa Cosmetics, Freshly Cosmetics, AI perfume, perimenopause tests, beard growth serum, #nudemakeup...
Spate Launches Generative AI-powered Trend Reporting
The report unearths a wide array of insights, including a decline in search activity around luxury beauty products.
Consumers & Markets
9 Trends in Beauty: AI Perfume, Turmeric Face Scrub, Swiss Beauty Makeup Base and More
C&T's "Consumer Pulse" series on the socials highlights the latest emerging searches/hashtags related to cosmetics. Here, we expand on those themes. This edition includes: Swiss Beauty Makeup Base, AI perfume, rosemary shampoo, turmeric face scrub, etc.
L’Oréal Among Investors in Rembrand's AI Video Product Placement Platform
Rembrand's platform, launched in February 2023, reportedly "enables brands and other items to be inserted into video content with hyper-realistic product placement" with minimal invasiveness.
Consumers & Markets
Can AI Solve Beauty Brands' Need for Diversified User-generated Content?
Hue's platform is able to manage everything from sourcing influencers to gathering data and content to loading and integrating the content onto brands' sites, email campaigns and marketing.
Consumers & Markets
The Next 5 Years in Beauty: AI, Hero Ingredients, Pricing & More
Highlights from Euromonitor’s Voice of the Industry beauty professional survey point to emerging investments, trends and more.
Haut.AI's Newly Patented Skin Atlas Delivers Anonymous Skin Analyses
"Consumers are becoming more cautious about their privacy, and they will only trust a brand’s personalized services if they know their data is being handled securely."
The Hut Group: THG Air x Singapore Airlines Support International Growth
With the announcement of THG Air and a partnership with Singapore Airlines, The Hut Group prepares for continued international sales growth, particularly across the Asia region.
Hair Care
Global Air Care
The global air care market is anticipated to grow to $7.2 billion annually by 2010, but manufacturers must tailor their approach to global markets. Growth is expected to be driven primarily by sprays and electric devices.
Air Care – USA
Air care products were yet again a hit among Americans, registering strong growth of 7% in current value in 2006. This strong growth is consistent with the boom experienced by the air care products in the second half of the review period, as new products were being rolled out.
Consumers & Markets
What’s Influencing Latinas in the Beauty Aisle?
Understanding the beauty motivations of this crucial, booming consumer segment.
Consumers & Markets
VIDEO: New Scent Aimed at Afropolitans
New ad spot shoot focuses on a distinctly African point of view, with an Italian twist.
Color Cosmetics
Air Cushion Makeup: The Next Big Beauty Trend?
Already gaining a lot of momentum in beauty hotbed South Korea, Air Cushion makeup is just beginning to go global. Euromonitor research analyst Minji Kim walks through its development—and almost inevitable global expansion.
Consumers & Markets
Gillette's Assisted Shaving Razor Aids Canadian Caregivers
According to Gillette, the razor offers control, safety and comfort for a caregiver when providing shaving assistance.
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