
280 Summer St
Boston, MA 02210
United States

Jebbit is the First Party Data platform that transforms the way brands interact with consumers across all of their marketing channels. Using Jebbit’s no-code Builder, anyone can create engaging, interactive digital experiences, such as product recommendation quizzes, trivia, live polls, surveys, personality quizzes, shoppable lookbooks, and more - enabling brands to acquire more customers, increase sales conversions, enrich customer profiles and improve insights.

Years in business:12
Number of employees:100
Product Summary:

Jebbit simplifies the process of designing and deploying captivating experiences with its user-friendly interface, minimizing the need for developers. Start with an array of design templates or leverage the AI-Powered Experience Generator, which constructs interactive experiences within seconds. Customize each experience to align perfectly with your brand, offering the flexibility to incorporate an extensive range of design elements.