Megan Gluth-Bohan, TRInternational's CEO and owner, announced in a video on YouTube that the company is rebranding as Catalynt Solutions, Inc. A new logo and brand system was also debuted.
As Catalynt heads into its 30th year in business, Gluth-Bohan says the new branding better reflects where the company is today.
The new name combines the words "catalyst" and "talent," both of which, Gluth-Bohan says, capture her team's energy, skillset and dedication to hard work.
In addition to the rebranding announcement, Catalynt has acquired the companies ChemBlend of America, LLC, and American Chemie, Inc.
Gluth-Bohan said, "When you add those two words together, you get one powerful word that really describes who we are. We're still the same hardworking team of people committed to your business."