Many of HCP’s stock ranges, such as the Fusion Round/Square Deco, Divine and Radii Round/Square, feature a cover recess to fit a variety of decorative top-plates including flat plastic, dome, gel, textile, aluminum and paper; providing a versatile canvas to display beautiful designs.
HCP’s patented ‘Glitter Storm’ top-plate decoration is true innovation, featuring a mesmerizing suspension of glitter and sequins in liquid. A wide selection of metallic, iridescent and holographic glitters and sequins can be mixed to float and swirl within the cover; an enchanting and luxurious choice for limited edition packaging.
Textiles can be customized with logos or artwork via hotfoil, screen printing, laser-cutting or digital printing. Glitter finishes remain a strong trend while mirror-shine, sequins or metallic PU and candy-colour opalescent finishing techniques are incredibly effective. Stunning metal top-plates can be created with techniques such as embossing, filigree and engraving for added depth of decoration.
View HCP’s transformative finishes and decorations catalogue
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