Mixer & Pack has celebrated its 1-year anniversary of partnering with Ilunion, which has given employment to between 150 and 200 workers, 90% of which have disabilities. The workers make packaging, cellophane wrapping and RFID coding of products in Mixer & Pack facilities.
Ilunion has its own manufacturing place in Mixer & Pack facilities.
Agustín Gómez Loeches, president of Mixer & Pack, said, “This collaboration strengths one more time the social commitment that Mixer & Pack has with most immediate environment and remains true to the values and imprint that my father left in the company's DNA, giving importance and stablishing the focus not only on what is it done, but how is it done."
General director of Ilunion facility services, Jaime Calzado, said, "It's a satisfaction for us that Mixer & Pack has trust a part of business activities in a company like ours that values the work and professionality of people with disabilities and strengths the social bet of their clients and interest groups."