Inoac Packaging Group is an international manufacturer of premier quality PET, PE and PP bottles and jars. To complement the superior quality of these packages, we have developed many in-house decoration processes, which include silk screening, hot stamping, spray painting, heat transfer and pressure sensitive labeling. Our major markets include: health and beauty, skin care, hair care, personal care, home fragrance and pharma. With R&D sites in Bardstown, KY and manufacturing in Monterrey, MX we are strategically located to support the North American market with regional manufacturing. Our facility in Shanghai, China supports the Asian region although all our facilities currently export around the globe.
Recognized worldwide as one of the most trusted and respected packaging manufacturers in the beauty, skin care and cosmetic industry, we have been a leader in heavy and ultra-heavy wall PET packaging for more than 30 years. We are proud to expand our specialized services to now offer more sustainable options with our thin wall PET bottles and extrusion blow molding (EBM).
Clients seeking a lighter, more sustainable option can get the best of both worlds with our new standard thin wall PET bottles! We’ve taken our extensive knowledge of the ISBM molding process and adapted it to offer new thin wall packages that offer the same premium Inoac quality, function and appearance as our heavy wall portfolio. This style offers a significant reduction in plastic usage and flexible walls for squeeze dispensing. Reduce your plastic usage without compromising quality and appearance. With excellent color and clarity, there is no drop-off in aesthetics or performance. Featuring flexible walls that allow for squeeze dispensing, lighter component weight, and a faster cycle time for lower cost to you, this option offers the same premium quality that comes standard in all Inoac Packaging Group components. Plus, you'll find the same decoration techniques available for use.
Additionally, we have recently added extrusion blow molding (EBM) to our extensive list of primary packaging manufacturing capabilities. Clients seeking containers with a flexible wall thickness can now enjoy the same premium Inoac quality with an expanded menu of material types including PET, polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE). Post-consumer recycled (PCR), recyclable and bio-based material options are also available. Launching a family of products? EBM offers a lower tooling investment when compared to other molding methods and can be designed with low-cost interchangeable parts to achieve multiple neck finishes for the same container. Learn more at discoverinoac.com
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