Tyco Retail Solutions Launches Label Specifically for High-theft Cosmetics


Tyco Retail Solutions has set out to combat the high-theft rate of small, easily-concealed cosmetic products with the launch of its Sensormatic Health, Beauty & Cosmetic (HBC) Label.

The HBC label utilizes Acousto-Magnetic (AM) EAS Sensormatic technology in a narrow design meant to fit on small, slender cosmetic and personal care products. According to the company, labels such as this are vital to help prevent theft as consumers are opting for self-service retail instead of the traditional makeup counters where employees are present and attentive. 

In fact, The Sensormatic Global Shrink Index 2018 states, "As statistics indicate, cosmetic sales will climb and the potential for loss will increase in tandem because of a wide variety of small, expensive items that are highly targeted by thieves. In fact, drugstores, pharmacies and perfumeries rank number one as the highest market vertical worldwide based upon shrink rate as a percentage of sales."

Catherine Walsh, senior vice president and general manager, Tyco Retail Solutions, was quoted saying, "Today, consumers want to try before they buy and easily access items when they want them. So that's why offering samples and moving products out on shelves and closer to shoppers versus behind counters is the new way of selling beauty. To support this change in retailing, the Sensormatic HBC label is an ideal solution to help retailers protect what is currently unprotected—thin and narrow profile products—while consumers take the experience into their own hands to play, try and learn before they buy."

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