No matter how well purchasing and production cycles are planned, some companies will end up with excess, unneeded packaging inventory.
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No matter how well purchasing and production cycles are planned, some companies will end up with excess, unneeded packaging inventory.
For nearly 60 years, McKernan Packaging Clearing House has helped businesses recoup their costs associated with surplus inventory by purchasing unused and unbranded packaging components.
There are many reasons why excess inventory happens. Product demand can decline, packaging changes, design changes, or simply the product or packaging has become obsolete. The problem with this excess inventory is that it can reduce profit margins by taking up valuable warehouse space and create extra overhead costs associated with storing and maintaining the unneeded packaging.
So what can be done with this excess packaging inventory? Throwing it away or dumping it in a landfill can be costly in more ways than one. Plus, the decision to dump the inventory without trying to recoup some of the cost is a difficult decision to make. Recycling is another option that might recoup some cost, but McKernan typically pays more than recycling and will also pay to transport the packaging components out of the business’s warehouse.
McKernan can offer you cash for your unbranded/unused, surplus packaging such as:
Plastic Bottles • Metal Bottles • Glass Bottles • Jars • Tubes • Aerosol Cans • Caps • Container Lids • Continuous Thread Caps • Dispensing Caps • Metal Caps • Overcaps • Sprayers • Crimp Sprayers • Fine Mist Sprayers • Garden Sprayers • Regular Mist Sprayers • Triggers • Pumps • Tins and so much more!
When you need to clear inventory, call McKernan at 1-800-SURPLUS where we will pay cash for your surplus inventory. Plus, when we make an offer, we will coordinate the shipping and pay all freight costs to move them out of your warehouse!
The process is simple and offers are usually available within 24 hours.
For more information, call 1-800-787-7587 and ask for a Surplus Specialist, visit www.WeBuyPackaging.com or email Surplus@ McKernan.com.