From 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EST, with a $95 registration fee for ICMAD members and $125 for non-members, this webinar includes speakers Holly Young, president, H + Y Regulatory Graphics; and Craig Weiss as the moderator, as well as presidentof Consumer Product Testing Company and ICMAD technical/regulatory committee chair. The topics will focus on how cosmetic product label designs need to comply with U.S. federal and state requirements, what must be on cosmetic primary and secondary packaging, what the nitty-gritty rules of type size and placement are, and how to include everything the FDA wants on the label while still keeping your beauty product packaging beautiful.
Cosmetic Labeling: Part One – Designing Cosmetic Labels: What you need to know but were afraid to ask (webinar)
Oct 16th, 2013
Oct 16th, 2013