HBA Global Expo announced that entry for its International Package Design Awards (IPDA)—designed to showcase innovative packaging from designers, suppliers and brand owners—will close June 11, 2010. Entries will be accepted from any of the sources cited.
The package(s) being submitted must be in use, either currently on the market, as of October 2009, or in the process of being introduced into retail outlets (and available for purchase in September 2010). The winners in each category (listed below) will be announced during HBA Global Expo, Sept. 28–30, 2010, in the IPDA Showcase exhibit. A company may submit more than one entry in the same category or any of the other categories that may apply.
Entry Categories:
- Cosmetic
- Fragrance (mass and prestige)
- Skin Care (mass and prestige)
- Personal Care [including sun care, hair care, body products and dental (mass and prestige)]
- Green Packaging (all categories and price points)