The 24th edition of Luxe Pack Monaco, the global trade fair for creative packaging, posted an 11% increase in visitors (6,355)—international visitors Increased 52%, representing 62 countries. In addition to the 350 exhibitors, the Innovation Forum proved to be a draw, providing attendees with an overall picture of the latest packaging innovations through unique displays and short presentations.
Among the presentations in the conference hall, designer Kacper Hamilton spoke about his approach to working with luxury goods brands, such as LVMH, and “Sustainable Trends, Desirable Development” offered varied points of view on sustainable development its implementation and integrating corporate social responsibility into businesses.
Other key speakers included Sumit Bhasin, global leader of innovation, Procter & Gamble Prestige; Arlette Palo, vice president, global product innovation, Estée Lauder; and Henry Renella, vice president, global package development, Estée Lauder. Invited and led in a discussion by Marc Rosen, they addressed the innovation, sustainable development and creativity.
The Luxe Pack in Green 2011 prize was awarded by a jury to Eastman Chemical for Natura Chronos from its Glass Polymer material line. The cosmetic jar is made with 45% of renewable organic material. The jury has also made special mention of Lumson’s TAG (Techno Airless Glass) System. The packaging, utilized by Austrian beauty brand Ringana, combines the technical and functional advantages of an airless system while remaining recyclable. Additional details of both will be available in the "Wrap Up" section of the January/February issue of GCI.