I’m writing this from seat 27C on the flight back to Chicago from Newark, coming home from the NYSCC Suppliers’ Day and Luxe Pack New York—about a week after I should have written this column and just in time for this issue to go to press. I meant to write it sooner, but managed to put it off following up on business from in-cosmetics and preparing for the events I’ve just left. Suffice to say, it’s a busy time of year—as well as an exciting time of year with opportunities and industry growth evident.
At Suppliers’ Day, I heard a few people reminiscing about the early years of Suppliers’ Day, when “day” was still accurate, and all of 10 supplier tables were set up in a hotel reception area for an afternoon. At Luxe Pack, I had to squeeze through the crowds in the original floor space to get to the section that was added a few years back ... to then get to the second floor where the newest exhibit space is housed. And among the meetings I had, I spoke with organizers of upcoming mainstay events (please see the calendar for that schedule) who all noted the growth of their events—in both size and in options/opportunities for both exhibitors and attendees.
I realize it’s not practical or fiscally possible to attend every industry event, but I encourage all of you to choose the one or two that suit your business needs and your budget. These mainstay events have forged their personalities, honed their focus and open doors of opportunities. There’s real excitement at and around these events that I find invigorating.
And though Alisa Marie Beyer wasn’t writing specifically about trade shows in her “Let’s Do Lunch” contribution, I find the premise in line with my thinking about the immeasurable underlying value of organized industry events: “Reaching out, connecting and embracing more personal relationships helps us forge the kinds of strong foundations needed to both create and nurture our businesses and brands.”
Hope to see you at the next event; until then, you can reach out through www.Facebook.com/ GCImagazine or by e-mailing me at [email protected].