Crude has announced a full rebrand that features a relaunch of its product assortment and website.
According to the brand, its website will include a content hub called SOUL, or School of UnLearning. Crude will collaborate with experts and advocates across industries to dive into three content pillars: skin, wellness and activism.
In addition to the rebrand, Crude's soap-free cleansers, Wash and Cleanse, were tested by MyMicrobiome, an independent, third-party lab with the world’s first seal for microbiome quality.
The lab confirmed that Wash is the first certified microbiome-friendly body wash and baby wash in the world.
“The rebrand is a realignment," said said Denise Cartwright, founder of Crude. "We wanted to celebrate the biodiversity that enriches our microbiomes and planet—our very lives—and also have that reflected in the brand itself, from our packaging and website to the models we use, partners we collaborate with, and the makeup of our internal team."