Bell Flavors & Fragrances announced its 2012 selections for the top fragrances. The company’s marketing teams compiled different flavor and fragrance lists to help developers understand consumer demands when launching products in the year to come.
The fragrance notes were selected through tracking samples that have been requested over a 12-month period, trend scouting by the company’s internal marketing and R&D departments worldwide, and tracking trends through external databases. Also, research was based on exploring different consumer markets. Bell’s marketing teams explored different avenues to uncover notes that will captivate the next generation fragrance development, as defined by product launches, industry regulations, world event, and unique new preference for the "indulgent" consumer. These 10 notes will influence the fragrance development of products designed for 2012 and will continue to drive discovery for years to come.
The theme for Bell's 2012 top 10 fragrances list is “The Wild Luxury Consumer.” Counter to worldwide financial woes, wild luxury consumers are seeking out more exquisite haute couture items than ever, and it will likely be no exception when it comes to fine fragrances.
Thus, Bell offers the following at the top 10 fragrance notes of 2012.
1. Ginger Orchid
2. Orange Flower
3. Tart Guava
4. Gold Amber
5. Green Pear
6. Spicy Bergamot
7. Root Beer
8. Pink Pepper
9. Leather
10. Tomato Leaf