DuPont™ Glypure® glycolic acid has always had strong consumer recognition as an ingredient in many antiaging skin care products. It has been known to normalize the process of keratinization and therefore improve the look of skin. Extensive clinical data shows that glycolic acid penetrates the skin effectively and stimulates cellular activity, supporting its use in a wide range of applications, including skin care exfoliants, moisturizing lotions and creams, wrinkle reduction creams and antiaging creams.
Trading on this knowledge, DuPont, with the help of Textile Research Institute (TRI) in Princeton, New Jersey, investigated the role its brand of glycolic acid, DuPont™ Glypure® could play in the formulation of hair care products.
The findings were telling. When glycolic acid is added to hair care products, it delivers important benefits, resulting in healthier hair by enhancing protection and manageability of both healthy and bleached hair through cuticle conditioning and cortex strengthening. The cuticle and cortex are important components of hair structure.
Hair is a complex structure
Hair is a complex structure that can be broken down in to four parts: the follicle, hair bulb, hair root and hair shaft—see Figure 1. The shaft consists of the cuticle, cortex and medulla. The cuticle layer is responsible for visual attributes like shine and smoothness and is also responsible for friction effect, which determines manageability. Repeated grooming, as well as chemical treatments can easily damage this layer. The cortex contains pigment and controls structural integrity, strength, swelling and stretching of hair. All of these individual hair structures are subject to degradation from normal everyday grooming, bleaching, washing and drying.
Experiments conducted by DuPont and TRI revealed that DuPont™ Glypure® improves strength and reduces the incidence of breakage, and lubricates and protects hair even at higher temperatures, enabling the use of high-temperature hair styling appliances. In addition, glycolic acid adds moisture to the scalp, thereby reducing dryness and flaking.
The experiments conducted included: tensile strength, repeated brushing, wet combing and differential scanning calorimetry (the temperature at which water separates from keratin and the temperature at which keratin denatures).
Click here to access the full DuPont™ Glypure® glycolic acid hair care test results.
Click here for more information on how you can add glycolic acid to your hair care product formulations.
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