Trending: #UncannyValley Makeup, Pink Concealer, Hair Ornaments and More

Uncanny valley makeup refers to a makeup style that intentionally gives the appearance of an AI-generated or android-like person and imparts a sense of discomfort or 'uncanniness' to the viewer.
Uncanny valley makeup refers to a makeup style that intentionally gives the appearance of an AI-generated or android-like person and imparts a sense of discomfort or "uncanniness" to the viewer.
Noelia; AI-generated image

Our weekly "Consumer Pulse" video report featured on social media finds cosmetic-related searches surging in interest across Google Trends, TikTok and the web in general. Now trending are: Dove makeup set, Ahazo Cosmetics, Zozotown cosmetic coupon, #uncannyvalley makeup, #pinkconcealer and #hairornaments.

See related: Trending; Ahazo Cosmeticos, Ceramide Sunscreen, Liquid Blush and Others

Dove Makyaj Seti (Dove Makeup Set)

With a surge in interest of +2,850%, "Dove makyaj seti" (Turkish for "Dove makeup set"), along with "Dove makeup set price," tops this week's list, per Google Trends. This probably relates to a TikTok post from a couple days ago demonstrating a Dove brand makeup kit of color cosmetics packaged in a white, heart-shaped box that "unfolds" like a tackle box. The set includes eye shadow, blush, powder, lip gloss, lip and eye pencils, nail polish, etc., and closes to reveal a gold chain-like handle to carry the kit like a handbag.

Ahazo Cosmetics

"Ahazo Cosmetics," which we reported on last week, made the top ten again, per Google Trends. Searches were up 1,400% in the past seven days. 

Zozotown Cosmetic Coupon

Searches for cosmetic coupons on the Japanese retail site Zozotown (more specifically, the phrase "Zozotown cosmetic coupon") increased 1,250% this week, according to Google Trends. No apparent news is drawing interest, so it must be an incredible deal.

Uncanny Valley Makeup

This trend is an interesting one. Per Google trends, searches on "uncanny valley makeup" are up 750% and appear to relate to the #uncannyvalley TikTok trend. According to the source Indy 100, uncanny valley makeup refers to a makeup style that gives the appearance of a person who is almost human, i.e., who appears AI-generated or android-like, and imparts a sense of discomfort or "uncanniness" to the viewer. No doubt, this relates to all the AI "talk" in our lives.

The uncanny valley look can be achieved by actual makeup or by filters. According to Indy 100, videos with the hashtag #uncannyvalley have earned more that 500 million views on TikTok. In relation, the influencer Zara posted herself wearing an #uncannyvalley look, which earned some 1.8 million likes in just five days.

See also: Trending; Jajis Innovation, 'Wheel of Fortune' Makeup, Hair Peptide Serum and More

Exploding: Pink Concealer

Exploding Topics highlights "pink concealer" as a trend that's surging in interest. According to the source, pink concealer counteracts dark circles and blemishes by neutralizing their appearance (think: color wheel). Social media is reportedly driving this trend, with TikTok videos tagged as #pinkconcealer earning 189 million views.

This growing interest is also attributed to Maybelline's pink concealer, which is garnering sales of $139 million per month on Amazon. #Pinkconcealer is part of the larger #skintone and #skintok meta trend, with more than 18 billion views. This meta trend includes various products to even skin tone, brighten skin, etc.

Hair Ornaments

Finally, per Spate's hashtag tracker, hits on "hair ornaments" (#hairornaments) are up some 38,330% week over week. A quick search on this showed influencers wearing actual Christmas tree ornaments in their hair, as well as other long, dangling crystal clips and fancy accessories. With the holiday season in motion, it's no wonder why people are getting glammy.

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