Independent Cosmetic Manufacturers and Distributors (ICMAD) is launching the seventh annual CITY Awards for Cosmetic Innovators of The Year. “ICMAD member companies deserve an opportunity to showcase their creative talents and be recognized for their innovative contributions to the beauty industry,” said Penni Jones, executive director, ICMAD. “Whether it’s a new branded product, packaging design or advertising campaign, the CITY Awards are designed to honor the entrepreneurial spirit. “
To be eligible for a CITY Award, the company must be a current member of ICMAD and follow the criteria established for each award category. All products must have first shipped, and marketing and advertising programs initiated, between April 1, 2009 and March 31, 2010.
The categories for Product & Packaging Innovations are:
- Personal Care Product
- Color Cosmetic Product
- Skin Care Product—Professional (Salon/Spa, doctor’s office)
- Skin Care Product—Mass (Department/Specialty/Discount/Drug Store)
- Personal Care Package Design
- Color Cosmetic Package Design
- Skin Care Package Design
The categories for Marketing & Advertising Innovations are:
- Print Advertisement—Trade or Consumer
- Internet Advertisement or Website Design
The ICMAD CITY Awards Judging Process
Judges for the CITY Awards will be respected advertising, marketing and sales executives with experience, but without current affiliation, in the beauty industry. Judging criteria for the CITY Awards for Product & Package Innovations include: product creativity and originality; ability to influence or advance the category; ability to fulfill an unmet consumer or retailer need and provide sales opportunities.
Judging criteria for the CITY Awards for Marketing & Sales Innovations include: originality, strategic implementation for target audience and demonstration of ability to generate positive marketplace “buzz.”
The 7th annual CITY Awards will be presented during the ICMAD annual meeting and dinner on Thursday, June 17, 2010, in New York City. For more information on membership or to receive a Call for Entries brochure, call 1-800-334-2623 or visit