How-To: Spiced Copper Lights from Rusk

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Courtesy of RUSK

Following the release of its RUSKin10 shade extension collection, RUSK has released a breakdown of how to achieve this season's coveted hair color: Spiced Copper Lights.

To achieve the Spiced Copper Lights look, you’ll need:

  • Formula 1: RUSKin10 13/4 oz. 6C + 1/2 oz. 8G = 21/4 oz. Rusk 20 Volume Developer
  • Formula 2: For Glaze: 2 oz. Ruskin10 6C + 2 oz. Zero Lift

Regrowth Technique:

  • First, apply Formula 1 to regrowth following the root melt, technique below:
  • From the crown back to nape, root melt Formula 1 down 3 inches.
  • From the crown forward, leaving out a 1-inch-deep parting along the front hairline, root melt Formula 1 down 2 inches.
  • Apply Formula 1 to 1 inch of regrowth at the hairline parting.


  • Start at the center back of the crown and form a horseshoe-shaped section ending at the hairline at the temples on the left and right sides.
  • Carve a middle part in the horseshoe to form left and right quadrants. Clip both sections away.
  • At the occipital, carve a parting from ear to ear. Divide this section into left and right quadrants with a center part, leaving out the hair below the occipital at the nape.

 Color Technique:

  • Apply Formula 2 to nape section on zones 2 and 3. Start at the left back quadrant at the crown and carve out a diagonal back slice.
  • Lay foil down and paint zones 2 and 3 with Formula 2. Continue the same technique with diagonal back slices, alternating Formula 1 and Formula 2 as you move toward the front hairline to complete the entire left side.
  • In the right back section, carve a diagonal back slice, lay foil down and paint zones 2 and 3. Follow the same technique, alternating Formula 1 and Formula 2 to reach the right front hairline.
  • Paint zones 2 and 3 of the 1-inch front hairline parting with Formula 1.
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