Following Nikkie Tutorials “I’m Coming Out.” YouTube video, Too Faced co-founder Jerrod Blandino has fired his sister, who goes by Dani California on social media, after she made transphobic remarks in her Instagram bio, according to an article on Us.
On January 13, 2020, popular makeup YouTuber Nikkie Tutorials released a video revealing she is transgender. Causing a flurry of backlash, Blandino’s sister, who’s Instagram handle is @makupprincess, edited her bio to read, “Transgender, huh? That’s not the only thing she’s been LYING about.”
The bio was quickly deleted, but many users had already taken screenshots. Attempting to halt the damage, Dani California once again edited her bio, instead to read, “Let’s be clear, I love trans people & dislike anyone who lies to hurt others! Period!” according to an article on Vox.
As Twitter became flooded with #Too Faced and users intending to boycott the brand, Blandino released this statement via the social media platform:
“I would like to make sure it is understood that although I love my sister very much, the things she says or does have absolutely nothing to do with me and do not in any way reflect me, my opinions, thoughts, or feelings nor speak for me or Too Faced in any way shape or form.
“I have always stood for love, equality, and kindness in my life and everything I do. I am sorry for the hurt she has caused. Let it be known that I am truly shocked and disgusted to my core at her recent actions. I do not tolerate this behavior, and she is no longer an employee of Too Faced. I would like to say how proud I am of Nikkie Tutorials, and how inspired I am for her strength and sharing her beautiful truth with the world. I am sending all my love to her.”