Interest in products for intimate care and sexual wellness is high, with beauty consumers embracing new (and once-taboo) products as meaningful ways to achieve a more complete sense of wellness.
In a recent study of 2,900-plus U.S. female-identifying beauty buyers conducted by The Benchmarking Company, 98% said they believe intimate care and sexual wellness are important parts of overall health and happiness, while 94% appreciate that brands are making products to address their personal needs. Seventy-five percent agree that beauty products for intimate areas are as important as skin care for the face.
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As sexual wellness grows in importance, so too does an accompanying growth in products and brands to meet this need. In the past 24 months, 47% of consumers have purchased sexual wellness products (T-1), with another 38% saying that although they have not purchased sexual wellness products, they intend to do so.
For the full article, check out Global Cosmetic Industry's April 2022 digital magazine.