The New Naturals are bio-designed fragrances. They’re natural (plant-based), as well as safe, sustainable and high-performing (not synthetic, nor an essential oil).
Sensegen™ is on a value-driven mission to create such fragrances for a variety of personal care, home and air care applications and to encourage new informative labeling. No such fragrance initiative has yet to take effect on the market today. So first comes first, we began our initiative with a survey. One of many surveys to come as we journey The Way Forward™
In our first survey, respondents were asked about their personal care routines and preferences regarding their beauty care products.
They were also asked about their attitudes and understanding of personal care/beauty care products as it relates to scented verses unscented products, label reading, purchase decision influencers and familiarity and understanding of natural fragrances.
While 66% of consumers said natural fragrances were naturally derived fragrances, approximately 14% thought it meant no added fragrance and 5% said it was the same as unscented.
Later they were shown an explanation of New Natural Fragrances, as well as a product concept containing the new natural fragrance. The data shows that 74% of those respondents would choose the New Natural Fragrance concept verses the synthetic. This was a 5% increase over consumers’ choice before they were presented with information on the new natural fragrance. We thereby concluded that there’s a gap in understanding and awareness regarding such terms used in labeling fragrance and fragrance-related statements.
Ask about our New Natural Fragrances and Zephyrsens™ for skin care.
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