5 Emerging Anti-aging Targets

Since the beginning of 2021, consumer discussions on aging skin issues have increased.
Since the beginning of 2021, consumer discussions on aging skin issues have increased.

The pandemic has impacted every facet of human existence, including the ways in which people think of aging. Since the beginning of 2021, consumer discussions on aging skin issues have increased: wrinkles and sagging (up 136%), fine lines (up 185%) and general aging (up 125%). All are all predicted to continue to trend upwards in 2022.

But these are near-term insights. Looking further ahead, the range of innovation and concepts broadening and deepening the age/beauty intersection is more complex than ever. Here, we collect a range of innovation hotspots, offering a potential roadmap to future innovation.

1. Eco-aging

Partly a matter of genetics and lifestyle, aging also has an environmental element that’s all too relevant in the era of climate change. While most of the focus has centered on industrial pollutants’ impacts on skin, climate-change-related issues are increasingly an area of concern. Recently, L’Oréal and BreezoMeter, a firm focused on environmental information about air quality, pollen and fires, announced a multi-year research and tech partnership to develop an exclusive beauty-driven exposome platform.

The partnership is forecast to uncover new insights around how the environment effects skin aging, and ultimately provide new services to consumers that can accompany their skin needs all over the world with personalized routines and lifestyle advice.

“We are very excited to enter into this long-term and strategic partnership with BreezoMeter, a world leader in climate tech,” said Barbara Lavernos, L’Oréal’s deputy CEO in charge of research, innovation and technology. “In combining our historical expertise in skin care science with BreezoMeter’s innovative technology platform, we will provide our consumers all around the world new services and actionable advice in their skin routines to combat the effects of the environment.”

For the full article, check out Global Cosmetic Industry's February 2022 digital magazine.

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