Olay has joined the long list of beauty brands that have launched mobile apps. Olay Skin Advisor was designed with artificial intelligence technologies to help women better understand their skin and determine what products will work best for their personal needs.
How it works:
- After taking a selfie, Skin Advisor will analyze a woman’s face to analyze her “skin age” or how old/young she looks and what areas of her face are driving that age.
- Skin Advisor then asks a series of questions regarding her skin concerns and product preferences.
- The user receives a personalized product regimen based on what products have worked best for women like her–those who have the same concerns, preference,needs, etc.
Dr. Frauke Neuser, principal scientist for Olay, said, “Shopping for skin care has never been more overwhelming, as women are faced with thousands of products and promises. Olay’s research shows that browsing the shelf is the #1 purchase influencer for women, yet 1/3 of women do not find what they are looking for. We saw an opportunity to help women understand their skin better than ever, before they even step foot in the store. Our solution is Olay Skin Advisor, which uses artificial intelligence to deliver a smart skin analysis and personalized product recommendation, taking the mystery out of shopping for skincare products.”