Winky Lux Partners with Replenysh for Recycling Program

This is a new program to help the Earth a little without any extra work for consumers. Photo: Winky Lux's Facebook.
This is a new program to help the Earth a little without any extra work for consumers. Photo: Winky Lux's Facebook.

Winky Lux has teamed up with Replenysh, a circulatory platform, to take empty beauty products and recycle them the correct way.

Related: Sustainable Packaging Decoded

The consumer can participate in the program in three steps:

  1. Compile all empty cosmetics to recycle. 

  2. Log on to and list where and when to pick up.

  3. Place the products outside for a courier to pick up.

Through this program, each donation of recycled products will earn consumers 100 Winky Lux Reward points.

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