Silab Applies Green Web Design for New CSR Site

Available in English and French, the site leverages green web hosting, mobile-first design, a low number of images for less energy usage when loading and a carbon footprint meter.
Available in English and French, the site leverages green web hosting, mobile-first design, a low number of images for less energy usage when loading and a carbon footprint meter.

Silab has unveiled a new eco-designed CSR site for its Actively Caring CSR program, which outlines its objectives and action plans for its sustainable strategy, development of human potential, responsible sourcing, preserved environment and societal dimension.

Available in English and French, the site leverages green web hosting, mobile-first design, a low number of images for less energy usage when loading and a carbon footprint meter.

In addition, the company has embedded only the most important impact factors to reduce the total content load of the platform.

The site replaces the paper report previously published annually.

“CSR is an important component of our development strategy," said Jean-Philippe Cosson, general manager of sales, international subsidiaries, CSR. "By bringing this new site on line, it is our desire to give it heightened visibility and to bring a new impulse to our Actively Caring program. We also want to provide our partners with the latest news and data, made possible by this new format that will enable us to update the contents very regularly.” 

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