As in life, men and women disagreed more than they agreed as to which brands have earned their most affection, in the second annual “Most Desired Brands in the U.S.” report from Buyology and uSamp, a report that quantitatively types and measures consumer relationships with brands using quantitative tools that measure people’s deepest, non-conscious connections to brands. (The full report can be found at Both men and women rated Southwest Airlines, Google and Dove among their top 10 brands. Beyond these, though, women have real heart for Hallmark, Kohl’s, Lexus, Target, Neutrogena and Crest. Men, on the other hand, were most taken with Cadillac, BMW, Apple, Sharp and GE.
This list report used Buyology’s proprietary technology to test more than 220 brands across 10 diverse industries, among a sample of 4,000 people representative of the U.S. population. The test was conducted immediately following the Super Bowl on February 6–10, 2012.
“This year’s brand ranking demonstrates that it’s essential for companies to invest in creating deeper differentiated relationships with their consumers. These relationships provide the context that either amplifies or diminishes everything the brand does to connect with its customers,” said Gary Singer, founding partner and CEO, Buyology Inc. “Buyology’s neuroinsight tools provide rigorous analytic measurement of these deeper, previously unmeasured, connections to provide unique insight to brands and a road map for how to strengthen their relationships.”
Added Matt Dusig, co-founder and CEO of uSamp, "uSamp is thrilled to power Buyology's 2012 report on The Most Desired Brands in the U.S. As two of Forbes' Most Promising Companies in 2011, uSamp and Buyology both thrive on disruptive innovation and believe in the power of consumer insights. This synergy, along with our ability to target an audience of over 6.5 million, will prove valuable to Fortune 500 brands across the nation."
According to the report, for women the top 10 brands were:
- Southwest Airlines
- Hallmark
- Dove
- JetBlue
- Kohl's
- Lexus
- Target
- Neutrogena
- Crest
For men, the top 10 brands according to the report were:
- Southwest Airlines
- Cadillac
- Dove
- Bed, Bath & Beyond
- Apple
- Sharp
- GE
- Macy's