Rahua Helps Preserve Large Plot of Amazon Rainforest

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Courtesy of @rahuabeauty

Hair and skin care company Rahua and nonprofit preservation organization EcoAgents have worked with multiple tribes of the Amazon to protect their native land. Through this partnership, Rahua, EcoAgents and the tribes have preserved 180,000 acres of Amazon Rainforest.

Rahua is known for incorporating rahua oil to nourish and strengthen the hair and skin. EcoAgents was created to defend and protect the untouched natural areas of the world from damage, pollution and further destruction, with a special focus on the Amazon Rainforest, its people and ancient culture.

Rahua and EcoAgents have also developed an Amazonian youth education project to provide school supplies to more than 500 students from three different communities. These basic school supplies will aid in the children's development, help them further their educational prosperity and create their own bright green future.

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