Responsible Mica Initiative Releases First Annual Report


The Responsible Mica Initiative (RMI) has released its 2018 Annual Report.

The report outline’s the organization’s mission, strategies and key accomplishments for the year, which are related to the enabling of sustainable mica mining and processing in the Indian states of Bihar and Jjarkhand. It also aims to eliminate the use of child labor in the sector, and address the factors which contribute to it, by 2022.

The report includes:

  • An outline of the organization’s goals and programs, including its three-pillar strategy: Responsible Workplace Standards, Community Empowerment, Legal Frameworks.
  • Highlights and milestones since the organization’s launch. In 2018, these included recognition from the U.S. International Labor Affairs Bureau as a case study in addressing child labor; presenting programs at eight intergovernmental and industry organization events; and recognition from the UN Forum on Business and Human Rights for its multi-stakeholder approach
  • An overview of the organization’s governance, membership and financials

Established in 2017, the RMI consists of 47 companies and civil societies (20 of them founding members) from Europe, Asia and North America.

“Each of us who has been involved in the creation of RMI are excited to see the progress we’ve made to eliminate child labor and promote a sustainable mica industry in Bihar and Jharkhand,” said RMI executive director Fanny Frémont.

She continued: “Our accomplishments reflect the tremendous support and participation we’ve received from our members, our program partners in India and civil society organizations around the world. We share a common commitment to support human rights and put policies into practice that promote responsible sourcing and facilitate economic and social development.”

For the full report, visit

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