NaturaBrasil Wins CEW Sustainability Award

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NaturaBrasil received Excellence in Sustainability at the 2018 Cosmetic Executive Women (CEW) Beauty Awards.

The award recognizes beauty brands who seek to reduce their environmental impact. Criteria, based on sustainability principles promoted by The Natural Step network of non-profits, includes how a brand reduces its use of fossil fuels; reduces the introduction of non-biodegradable materials to the environment; reduces the loss or damage to natural resources; and demonstrated consideration for the needs and rights of people within the company, supply chain and local communities.

Earlier: Natura:Sustainable Amazonian Cosmetic & Fragrance Ingredients

Related: [update] CEW Announces 2018 Beauty Award Winners

“Natura strongly believes in the transformational power of the beauty industry, with the use of technology and network innovation to develop solutions that promote environmental and social change,” said NaturaBrasil global sustainability adviser Roger Schmid. “We encourage people to turn enterprise into an opportunity to create positive impact within four sectors: economic, social, environmental, and cultural.”

The 24th annual CEW Beauty Awards luncheon was held May 18, 2018 in New York City.

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