Mibelle Biochemistry has released new study results for InfraGuard, KeraGuard, Alpine Rose Active and PhytoCellTec Goji, highlighting benefits for the scalp, hair, nails and breast lifting.
First up, Alpine Rose Active, a purified extract of organic alpine rose leaves, was found to reduce scalp redness by 32.4% and scalp itching by 64.3% after four weeks of use.
Next, InfraGuard, which combines antioxidant tara tannins with organic sunflower sprouts, has been found to reduce 5G-induced free radical formation and inflammation.
KeraGuard has been found to protect nails against free radicals while also increasing nail thickness, leading to stronger and more attractive nails.
Finally, PhytoCellTec Goji, which has already been shown to vitalize mesenchymal stem cells for a V-shaped face, has now been found to improve breast lifting by reducing breast sagging and boosting skin elasticity.