With an attempt to further expand the company, TricorBraun Design & Engineering Group has promoted Gregg Aukeman and hired Ryan Fichuk to focus on quality during development in the manufacturing process.
Aukeman has become the package qualification manager, leading the packaging quality team and the performance laboratory. Fichuk will become a packaging quality engineer, using his Bachelor’s degree in packaging to help with the design functionality, marketing and consumer preference of the product.
“Packaging functionality within the parameters that have been defined by our customers and design team is something that I work toward validating every day for packages in diverse categories. No two projects are ever the same and this is what keeps me challenged, engaged and excited about my role at TricorBraun,” said Aukeman.
Fichuk will be assisting Aukeman with investigations and dimensional analysis in the company. He had a prior internship with Silgan White Cap that will aid in his career within the packaging industry.
“I get pretty excited when people ask me questions like, what do you do? Or, do you make boxes and bags? This gives me an opportunity to explain that packaging is about design, engineering, functionality, quality, marketing and consumer preferences. It's so much more than people realize! My passion for the field shines through when I explain how unique it is to work in packaging and how lucky I feel to be part of quality assurance for innovative product packaging, said Fichuk.