TricorBraun subsidiary Packaging Options Direct (POD) has added 360-degree spin product images to its website. The change has led to a stark increase in its website traffic and sales.
By the end of the second quarter, POD had implemented the 360-degree images for the majority of the products on its website; the company plans on adding the technology to new items as they are added to the website.
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The technology allows customers to see products from all angles and zoom in to see products up close, helping them bypass the lengthy sample process.
“Some of our more popular categories such as glass liquor bottles and dispensing closures have benefited the most from the enhanced content and are seeing significant sales growth,” said POD ecommerce manager Nicholas Jager. “It’s all about enhancing the customer experience. We are leveraging best in class technology by working closely with Snap36 to provide a more engaging and convenient experience.”