RY has curated a list of the top celebrities that inspire consumers when it comes to makeup looks, hair styles and skin care routines.
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Using Google tools, all of the following rankings are based on annual searches.
Most Popular Looks
Kylie Jenner - 816,400
Ariana Grande - 678,340
Jennifer Aniston - 642,800
Selena Gomez - 640,790
Kim Kardashian - 341,050
Most Popular Hair Inspirations
Jennifer Aniston - 601,600
Selena Gomez - 400,400
Ariana Grande - 369,700
Most Popular Makeup Inspirations
Kylie Jenner - 571,400
Ariana Grande - 299,600
Selena Gomez - 232,300
Kim Kardashian - 203,700
Rihanna - 188,700
Most Popular Skin Care Inspirations
Rihanna - 51,680
Jennifer Lopez - 50,800
Kylie Jenner - 49,100
Paris Hilton - 36,500
Miranda Kerr - 25,960
Most Newsworthy Celebrity Beauty Icons*
Meghan Markle - 88,500,000
Kim Kardashian - 71,280,000
Taylor Swift - 60,652,000
Khloe Kardashian - 39,719,000
Jennifer Lopez - 28,724,000
*Based on the numbers of articles written regarding their hair, makeup and skin care.