Prime Minister Boris Johnson has created the Six Months Of Curb, a plan to help stop the spread of COVID-19 in England, according to DailyMail.
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The new lockdown will be in effect September 28, 2020 and can last up to six months, which reportedly worries many regarding the state of the economy.
The regulations in place will affect hairdressers, nail bars and beauty salons. While these businesses can remain open and operating, they must follow the Rule of Six, which limits group settings to a total of six people. This will mean businesses must cut down on the number of clients they can serve at a time.
As for retail, all employees and customers must wear a mask while in stores. Stores must also follow COVID-19 precautions because they are a legal requirement now.
Fines for breaking the Rule of Six or for failing to wear a face covering have increased to £200 for a first offence.