No, this isn't a dad joke: New research from Mintel has revealed that 34% of American dads who use personal care products say they care about preventing the signs of aging, compared to 26% of male personal care product users overall.
While anti-aging is becoming an increased concern among U.S. male consumers, Mintel Global New Products Database (GNPD) found that only 4% of men's personal care products launched in the U.S. during 2017 included anti-aging claims.
Marissa Gilbert, associate director, Health and Wellness, at Mintel, explained, "With the joys of fatherhood come sleep deprivation and additional stress, all of which can take their toll. Our research reveals an increased interest from the nation’s dads in combating the visible signs of aging. But the discrepancy between the number of men interested in preventing the signs of aging and the number of products touting these benefits indicates a significant opportunity for anti-aging personal care products specifically formulated for and marketed to men. Those looking for a last-minute Father’s Day gift may want to consider products that can help combat the signs of aging such as moisturizers, sunscreens or even face masks."
Mintel Research Found...
- 32% of dads with just one child say they care about aging;
- 38% of dads with two children care about aging;
- 23% of dads without kids care about aging;
- 51% of dads vs. 33% of overall men are more likely to be interested in portraying stylish looks ;
- 47% of dads vs. 43% of overall men are interested in handsome looks;
- 42% of dads vs. 32% of overall men are interested in cool looks; and
- 52% of American men say looking "healthy" is the number one look they want to portray.