George Bernard Shaw once said, “You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, 'Why not?'” InnoCos Europe 2013 (June 4-5) has developed a conference program channeling the spirit of “Why not?” with a roster of speakers whose innovative ideas push boundaries and provide a creative blueprint for the future of the industry.
Innovation is at the core of the two-day event, a forum for senior executives in the beauty industry, where the newest, most cutting-edge ideas about and impacting the future of beauty will be shared among peers at the seaside Hotel Le Negresco in Nice, France.
Horst Wenck, corporate vice president for research, Beiersdorf AG will discuss how cosmeceuticals are being used by his company to create opportunities and expand business, while Walgreens' vice president of beauty and personal care, Shannon Curtin, will elaborate on strategic partnerships that have led to innovations like 3-D-face masks and nanotechnolgy-skin care cream.
The emotional needs and spirits of both consumers and employees are undeniably linked to innovation, and its importance is reflected in many of InnoCos Europe's 2013 sessions. Kurt Gasser, the CEO of USP Indicator Solutions, will discuss how his beauty testers elicit brand loyalty by creating “moments of truth” with consumers, while Colgate-Palmolive will share strategies for harnessing innovation by seeing beyond the obvious in recognizing and rewarding creative talent.
One of the biggest challenges companies face is how to make their messages stick in an age of information overload. Increasingly, they are turning to the age-old art of storytelling as a strategy for maintaining brand retention and loyalty. Seizing upon this latest trend, InnoCos Europe has invited Lisa Lipkin to open up the conference. She’s a story strategist who helps organizations find and tell their stories more effectively. In the interactive storytelling session, participants will learn how to tap in to and use personal memories and anecdotes to enhance their current and future stories.
More information, including registration information, is available by emailing [email protected] or visiting the event site.