"Prestige Beauty e-Commerce in China, 2020-2021," an exclusive briefing presented by Samuel Yan, e-commerce commercial lead of NPD China, will take place April 21, 2021 at 1:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time. Registration for live or on-demand attendance is now open here.
According to NPD China Beauty’s e-commerce tracker, China’s e-commerce market alone is the largest global market for skin care and second largest for makeup, reaching $10 billion in total for the 12 months ending November 2020.
China’s e-commerce distribution has served as a golden channel for the market’s economic take-off during and post-COVID-19. Consequently, prestige beauty brands have continuously partnered with e-commerce platforms to gain traction among China’s millennial men and women.
Yan's presentation will discuss:
- 2020’s significant shifts in the online prestige beauty market for China.
- The categories that consistently outperformed throughout the year.
- The future prospects and trends for China’s beauty market in 2021.
In addition, Yan’s briefing will elaborate on the many untapped opportunities offered to international and domestic brands.
Marketers, brand executives and founders, sales and business development teams, and all others seeking growth in beauty’s most dynamic market are invited to attend so they can set their own agendas for the future.