Mynxii White is one of the Los Angeles judges taking part in the innoCos and #beauty20 event.
The judges for the innoCos Digital and #beauty20 Awards in London and Los Angeles have been announced. (For all event details, visit our calendar.)
The judges will each be assigned to two categories that align with their expertise, with conflicts of interests already vetted. Once their selections of the top five brands per category are made, voting will be opened to the public.
The London judges include:
- Anne Marie Lodge, @ReallyRee
- Becky Amos, Editor, Average Janes, @tweetjanes
- Grace Victory, Uglyfaceofbeauty, @GraceFVictory
- Hayley Carr, London Beauty Queen, londonbeautyqueen.com, @LBQblog
- Josephine Fear, Fashion Mumblr, fashionmumblr.com, @FashionMumblr
- Madeleine Spencer, MADELEINE LOVES, madeleineloves.com ,@madsabouttown
- Nadia Cohen, fuelrefuel,fuelrefuel.com , @FuelPR
- Tracy Kiss, Tracy Kiss,tracykiss.com , @misstracykiss
- Victoria Eales, Florence & Mary,florenceandmary.com ,@FlorenceandMary
The Los Angeles judges include:
- Manal Shaikh Social Media Director @naildecor, @wakeupandmakeup
- Mynxi White: @MynxiiWhite Mynxi
- Sourabh Sharma, Communication & social Media Research Expert + Senior Project Manager Sourabh