Beauty's 2022-2023 Growth Opportunities with NPD at Beauty Accelerate 2022

What's driving growth in beauty? NPD will reveal key drivers at Beauty Accelerate 2022, coming September 28-29 to NYC; photo by Roman Odintsov at Pexels.
What's driving growth in beauty? NPD will reveal key drivers at Beauty Accelerate 2022, coming September 28-29 to NYC; photo by Roman Odintsov at Pexels.

The NPD Group recently reported that U.S. prestige beauty sales revenue for Q2 2022 jumped 16% year-over-year, totaling $6 billion. Digging into the category figures, all categories experienced growth. 

During Beauty Accelerate 2022, taking place in NYC September 28-29, NPD analyst Jennifer Famiano will provide insights into the beauty trends driving growth.

As NPD has noted, the marketplace is being reshaped by channel shifts and indie brands. Therefore, the firm derives insights based on "what is selling, where, why, and for how much."

Attendees will come away with actionable insights to apply to future innovation and business planning.

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