Western University Scientists Uncover Protein with Next-level DNA Damage Repair Potential

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The protein, referred to as DNA Damage Repair Protein C (DdrC), is found in the common bacteria Deinococcus radiodurans.
Image by Micah C/peopleimages.com at Adobe Stock

Researchers from Western University in Ontario have discovered a protein with the "never-before-seen ability to stop DNA damage in its tracks," per the source. The material holds potential for applications ranging from cancer vaccines, to crops that withstand harsh growing conditions — it may even take skin care to a new level. And considering that the U.S. market for topical skin repair products is estimated to reach $58.6 billion by 2033 (~6.45% CAGR, 2024 to 2033), an innovation like this could differentiate products from the competition.

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