Procter & Gamble Company released its 15th annual Sustainability Report, demonstrating its commitment to helping people around the world live better and more sustainably through an integrated approach to environmental and social responsibility. The report includes P&G’s sustainability results from the past fiscal year and progress updates on the company’s environmental and social responsibility goals for 2020.
“P&G’s commitment to meeting our sustainability goals year over year not only positively impacts people and the environment, but continues to evolve our business and support our top and bottom lines,” said Len Sauers, vice president of sustainability at P&G. “Every day, we’re inspired to develop innovative products that help people live more sustainably while delivering cost savings through operational eco-efficiencies.”
The report shares specific progress in P&G’s sustainability focus areas, which include: conservation of resources, renewable resources, worth from waste, comforts of home and health, and hygiene. This year, P&G reported absolute reductions in waste, water, CO2 and energy—all four of the company’s major manufacturing footprints. Highlights from this year’s report include:
Conserving resources, decreasing environmental impact
- Through consumer education and partnerships with washing machine suppliers, P&G helped enable the number of global laundry loads washed in cold water to increase from 38% to 50%. Hot water washes are the company’s largest energy footprint, so enabling cold-water washes with brands like Tide Coldwater and Ariel Cool Clean represents a significant opportunity.
- P&G’s Oxnard, California, site reduced water use by nearly 25%, which will result in a cost savings of more than $900,000 on an annual basis.
- P&G committed to convert approximately 20% of the company’s North America for-hire transportation network to natural gas powered trucks over the next two years. Some brands to now be delivered by natural gas powered trucks include Bounty, Charmin, Dawn, Gain, Downy and Tide. By meeting this goal, it is expected P&G will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by nearly 5,000 metric tons (or the equivalent greenhouse gas emissions from 1,000 passenger vehicles for a year).
Finding worth in waste, using renewable energy
- Over the past fiscal year, more than 99.35% of all materials entering P&G plants were beneficially used in products and through recycling, reuse, and conversion of waste to energy. Additionally, more than 50 of the company’s global sites now send zero manufacturing waste to landfill, including every site in Germany. Since 2010, P&G has reduced manufacturing waste by 56% per unit of production—more than double the company’s original goal.
- During the past fiscal year, P&G’s plant in Huangpu, China, partnered with a local utility supplier to install rooftop solar panels, which is expected to eliminate 600 tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually from the local community.
Fostering social development by investing in communities
- This year, P&G helped improve life for more than 60 million people in need, exceeding its annual goal of 50 million. Through the P&G Children’s Safe Drinking Water Program, the company shared its six billionth liter of clean drinking water with a family in Myanmar. In addition, P&G supported people in need by providing 20,000 personal care kits to disaster victims and empowering nearly 3,000 employees to help build and clean homes with Habitat for Humanity by the end of this year.
“All of these efforts mark significant progress through partnerships toward helping make every day better for people and the planet,” said Sauers. “We look forward to deepening our existing partnerships and forging new ones as we work toward our goals and the future of 7 billion people.”