Skin care company Viale Beauty has announced the appointment of Taek Kim to the position of chief design officer.
Kim brings more than a decade of experience shaping brands. In his new role, he will be tasked with overseeing all design aspects of design—including product, graphic, user experience, industrial and package—as well as innovation. He will also oversee aspects of advertising, marketing and engineering.
“I spent the last month thinking about everything I’ve accomplished with my previous employer over the last eight years. So many employees, vendors, media representatives told me how much they enjoyed our products. Such kind words always warmed my heart and made me push forward,” said Kim. “However, I am an entrepreneur by nature! I see potential in the new premium skincare and I feel now is the right time to turn the page and accept the offer from Viale Beauty. I’ve always been in love with the startup culture, I am an explorer, and I enjoy the voyage of discovery. The journey is the reward!”
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