YSL Beauté has launched Drop The Look, the exclusive video series that follows global beauty director Tom Pecheux as he reimagines social media's most influential trends through a couture lens that can only be YSL Beauté.
The first episode featured actress Yasmin Finney and the second episode features a fresh take on a couture summer glow starring model Lila Moss.
Pecheux used the beauty brand icons and showed consumers how to create luminous skin with a hint of bronze, naturally–defined eyes and a peachy pop of color on the lips and cheeks.
The couture summer glow was created using the following products:
- NU Bare Look Tint
- Touche Éclat
- NU Halo Tint Highlighter in NU Gold
- NU Halo Tint Highlighter in NU Bronze
- NU Lip & Cheek Balmy Tint in Pinch
- Lash Clash mascara in No. 1 Black
- Lash Clash mascara in No. 2 Brown
- Rouge Volupté Shine Candy Glaze in No. 15
Pecheux said, "We're taking a look or an idea that already exists and giving it a couture YSL twist. These videos are an exciting way to discover new looks, learn new techniques and push the boundaries of who you are."