Hand care has been front-and-center amid the COVID-19 pandemic, during which frequent handwashing and sanitizer use has compromised users' skin. Recently, Lil Bogdan, a registered nurse and president of L'Athene, and business partner, Nan Brown*, provided some insights to Global Cosmetic Industry about hand care during the crisis.
Further reading: Exclusive Hand Care Report
Global Cosmetic Industry: How have you seen demand for hand care change amid the pandemic?
Bogdan and Brown: People have learned that having their hands feel good is very important—maybe they took them for granted before—but not now. While the use of gels, wipes, gloves and increased hand washing is necessary for decreasing risk of infection but using these things can cause the skin to react.
We’re seeing more redness and inflammation and overall soreness. We have seen an increase in interest in caring for your hands during this time. More people are concerned about their hands being red or inflamed now. They are making the tie between keeping their skin healthy and keeping their body healthy.
People have become more aware that if they don’t take care of their hands, they could have their skin crack and the cracks are not only painful but they could lead to something more serious. People are more aware of building their immunity now so they are seeking out products that support the health of their skin overall and particularly their hands.
They are taking note of ingredients more—wanting ingredients that they feel will help nourish and support the health of the skin of their hands and help them feel more soothed for a longer period of time.
They are tuning in now more than ever to products that provide a longer term benefit—not just the quick fix that coats the skin but is not nourishing it. They are tuning more into their wellness and the products that support that.
Also, we’re noticing that people are being more consistent with the care of their hands. We’re seeing sales of our hand crème and oil products being ordered more frequently by the same user. This tells us they are applying the products more often.
Global Cosmetic Industry: What knowledge have you applied as a brand leader and RN that informs what consumers need to know in terms of hand care?
Bogdan and Brown: Don’t wait to treat something that needs attention. Be consistent with the care of the area. Don’t take the skin on your hands for granted.
We have cared for patients who have cancer and the chemotherapy can make the skin on their hands and feet peel. They can tell you, first hand that caring for your hands is very important.
Sore, cracked hands are very painful and can prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep and can also lead to infection if not cared for early. Your skin is your body’s largest organ. If you take care of it, it will take care of you.
*The brand leaders are the author of "Nurse Your Skin to Health."