Ninety percent of women suffer from dry skin, and the conditions can vary depending on the afflicted part of the body. This means that single measurements of skin hydration are not sufficient enough to evaluate the effectiveness of the cosmetic facial moisturizers. Now, a new methodology for visualizing the effectiveness of facial skin moisturization from DSM Personal Care can resolve the issue.
The method’s bio-instrumental data will link the problem areas to values for all the pixels of an image, presenting scientists with a color-coded map that allows them easier understanding of the skin’s hydration.
The project resulted from a partnership network developed through DSM’s epidermal science platform, CORENEOCARE, with partners including Newton Technologies, AVR Consulting Ltd. and the Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University. The platform is meant to advance the understanding of the epidermis and develop products that will address the needs of the consumer with dry skin.
The DSM method was presented at the ISBS World Congress in Lisbon by lead scientist of skin biology, Rainer Voegeli, who received the Johann Wilhelm Ritter Award for innovative skin imaging.
“Moisturizing products need to take account of the different characteristics of various facial anatomical locations,” said Voegeli. “The new methodology will help ingredient and skin care product manufacturers to better evaluate the effectiveness of moisturizing care and boost the value proposition of their products.”