Shiseido has announced partial changes to the organizational reforms and personnel transfers effective January 1, 2018, originally announced on October 24 and November 24, 2017.
Changes in Organizational Structure Announced on November 24:
- The SCM Department is to be dissolved and renamed to the Supply Network Operations Department as of January 1, 2018, "with the aim to further accelerate the evolution of supply network operations; integrate some of its functions into Purchasing Department and restructure the latter into Supply & Purchasing Department."
- The setup of the Global Sales & Operations Planning Department has been called off. Instead, the Global Business Support Department "will execute global supply management, collaborative processes including communication and global S&OP in response to the needs of brand and regional businesses."
Changes in Execution Structure Announced on October 24:
- Masaya Hosaka has been appointed corporate officer, Supply Network Strategy, Production Technology, Supply & Purchasing, Global Business Support, Japan Business Support, Factories, Frontier Science Business
Personnel Transfers Due to Organizational Reform:
- Kazutoshi Komamiya has been appointed department director, Supply & Purchasing
- Naoki Kitadai has been appointed department director, Global Business Support